
Языковая школа
  • Новосибирск, Красный проспект, 28 — 304 офис; 3 этаж
  • Площадь Ленина 550 м
  • Октябрьская 1400 м
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Hello! My name is Liza. I am happy. I have loving husband, parents. I like my profession and my job.

I study English at school "President". To be honest, before I didn’t love and understand it.

Repeatedly I want to study language, sometimes I did tries. However I know that learning is never done without errors and defeats.

But now I can, I...

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Hello! My name is Liza. I am happy. I have loving husband, parents. I like my profession and my job.

I study English at school "President". To be honest, before I didn’t love and understand it.

Repeatedly I want to study language, sometimes I did tries. However I know that learning is never done without errors and defeats.

But now I can, I made it! Why do I learn English? It is an interesting question. When I learn English, I grow.

And I am going to study next level of English language. My motto: Believe in yourself, be strong, never give up no

matter what the circumstances are!

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